Baldur’s Gate 3 could obviously hit in 7 minutes

7 minutes! It would take me at least three times to create the character. Baldur’s Gate 3 may now provide only a fraction of the final planned experience, but that long portion has been perfected in just 7 minutes by speedrunner Carrie “Professor Palmer” Palmer, who has figured out a way to jump quite literally the whole thing in the blink of an eye.

As reported by Kotaku, Palmer explains that his route involves killing anything, talking to someone, and avoiding every search. It requires a few strong jumping legs and some magic.

The strategy is true, using the jump transmission spell to triple the height of its hop in the face of each battle. But then, it’s a common occurrence to extend the final territory of the game and finish the run.

Of course, there is some debate as to whether this “counts” as a real speed keeper. Palmer isn’t really involved in the game’s plot, never even thinking about it – as the first act of an unfinished game – Baldur’s Gate 3 really doesn’t end there anyway. As it stands, his speedron simply brings his character to the final stage on the game map.

To put it bluntly, Palmer has tried using the more conventional Spidaron. He just realized that the lack of concrete finish made it somewhat meaningless.

“I was able to find a way to end the fight even before the game started, using the corpses of team members,” Palmer told Kotaku. “I was proud of that strategy. However, when I got to the end of the game, I immediately realized that the storyline wasn’t solved or continued, and it clicked that everything was actually alright because none of it was currently tied together. “

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While talking about his accomplishments, Palmer noticed that he plans to route a separate, All-Quest Speedron to get Baldur’s Gate the Meat and Potato Meat, isn’t it just embarrassing that the character he’s speeding with doesn’t look almost fashionable? As us

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About the Author: Tad Fisher

Prone to fits of apathy. Music specialist. Extreme food enthusiast. Amateur problem solver.

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