otherwise, “Interview angle and pinning sequence on women emulate for social networks (Removed from Twitter after controversy with BBC, editor’s note) More reminiscent of the type of interview conducted with politicians, rather than the authentic recognition that it (the issue of Muslim Imams) represents for British Muslims. “, We emphasize that the young woman rarely had a chance to go through her responses, especially when she referred to the exclusion of Muslim women in society, potential reforms within the MCB, and the relationship between Islam and other religions Was asked for “Once again, most of Muhammad’s reactions fell short, revealing an innate need not to hear the voice of a Muslim woman but to draw hasty conclusions. “
This suggests, according to the signatories of the open letter, the representation of Muslim voices within the BBC: “By their own admission to the latest BBC report, there are virtually no Muslims working in BBC studios on both TV and radio, including the production of Woman Hour.” An asterisk number in the report is so small that it may not reflect a percentage higher than 0.2%. Similarly, the BBC does not have a significant number of Muslims on committees or positions of leadership, particularly in the news services. (…) This lack of representation suggests an organization’s failure to image its audience in its organization. “
In light of these comments, the signatories call on the BBC to recruit more Muslims to various management positions and integrate more diversity into the channel’s production teams. He also wants a public statement from the BBC, stating his commitment to Muslim faith and historically marginalized minorities. According to Evening Express, he received about 600 complaints related to the interview with Zara Mohammed.
Appeal was heard. “As a paid employer and broadcaster we have a duty to reflect our people and our programs throughout the UK”Answered, Director General of BBC Tim Davey on Friday 19 February, who declares himself “Always looking for ways to improve knowledge of issues facing Muslims in the UK”.
Read also:
Britain: A woman at the head of MCB, the first for British Islam