Usbek & Rica – In the UK, Amazon destroys (at least) 124,000 unsold products every week

Thanks to his company Blue Origin, before flying into space next July, Jeffrey Bezos still has some (media) business to settle down. Among them, recent revelations from Media Pro Publica, according to which the Amazon owner has paid little in taxes in recent years, or strong opposition from the US giant’s announcement of building new warehouses in France. No mention of publication of editing book The Amazon System: A Story of Our Future (Threshold, June 2021), signed by the journalist new Yorker Alex McGillis.

Millions of products are thrown in the dustbin every year

Enough to give the richest man on the planet some cold sweats? without a doubt. But in recent times, it is a publication of British media ITV News that has stirred controversy across the channel. The British arm of Amazon destroys at least 124,000 unsold products every week, according to documents obtained as part of this investigation published on June 22 and conducted by journalist Richard Pelot. directly,” Millions of TVs, Computers, Drones, Hairdryers or Headphones “Thrown in the dustbin every year,” mostly new and unused “. IMPORTANT DETAILS: Richard Pallot’s investigation pertains only to one of the American giant’s 24 warehouses located in the United Kingdom (of Dunfermline in Scotland), which suggests the figure is much higher nationwide.

« almost all products [dont nous parlons ici] Could be donated or redistributed to those in need, writes exclusively for ITV News. Instead, they are dumped in huge bins carried by trucks – which we have tracked down – and dumped in recycling centers or, worse, landfills. “Along with British media, a former Amazon employee reassured that he had the objective set by the former company” From Friday to the following Friday, 130,000 items per week were destroyed ». « In general, 50% of these discarded items are products that have not even been opened and remain in their original packaging., he testifies on condition of anonymity. The other half are returns in good standing. By force, we become indifferent [l’absurdité de] What are we told to do? »

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About the Author: Forrest Morton

Organizer. Zombie aficionado. Wannabe reader. Passionate writer. Twitter lover. Music scholar. Web expert.

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