Queen Elizabeth: Most women in Britain want them to be cut off before they die

Monarchy is a subject of constant discussion in Great Britain. There is a new survey about the future of Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles and Prince William.

Queen Elizabeth has been on the throne of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland since 1952 – and as long as she has kept a promise made to her people on her 21st birthday in 1947.

I declare in front of you that my entire life, whether long or short, should be devoted to your service and service to our great royal family. […]

But do the British also want this? The polling institution “DeltaPaul” wanted to find out.

Queen Elizabeth is said to have renounced the throne before her death.

Results of the survey: The British are divided on the question of how long they should hold the post of Queen Elizabeth. 48 per cent of the people surveyed feel that the queen should not keep her promise and take steps ahead of time. Out of 48 percent, 27 percent believe the queen should only do it “if she is not in good health”. The remaining 21 percent are in favor of filling the 94-year-old regardless of his health status.

41 percent think the queen should “stay in her position until she dies”. Remaining eleven percent.

Princess charles

Prince William is more popular than Prince Charles

The survey also found that 38-year-old Prince William would most likely prefer Prince William to follow the Queen instead of 72-year-old Prince Charles. When asked, “If the queen leaves the throne, who would you see as the king?” 8 percent said they did not know, and 18 percent said they were not for William or Charles. They want the monarchy to be abolished and Britain become a republic.

The poll, reflecting the opinion of 1,590 British adults between 31 March and 1 April, was done on behalf of the Daily Mirror newspaper.


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About the Author: Forrest Morton

Organizer. Zombie aficionado. Wannabe reader. Passionate writer. Twitter lover. Music scholar. Web expert.

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