Trump Leads US Cultural War on Black Pole and Surgeon Coronavirus

  • Video report by Robert Moore, Washington correspondent for ITV News

Either way, perhaps Donald Trump Sref has achieved the most political coup of his unique presidency – it will certainly have a long-term impact on Americans.How tragic this happened just days before his possible – in fact, possible – defeat in the November 3 presidential election.With the south side of the White House decorated with flags, The new judge was sworn in at the Supreme Court. And not a mainstream judge who can help heal political and cultural wounds.Amy Connie Barrett is a favorite of social conservatives and those who want to ban abortion and turn America’s risk back to liberalism.

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Perhaps Judge Barrett will move the court to the right for generations – A devastating blow to progressives. It is on the list of the 3-3 conservative majority in the Supreme Court of the land – and if the Democrats win next week, it will be a major obstacle for the Biden administration.Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer called it the darkest day in the chamber’s 231-year history.Democrats are obsolete, feeling that a lifetime appointment of this significance should never be made in the last days of the presidency. The Senate approves nominations between 52-48. It was a deadly biased exercise, deepening the divisions as election day approached.It is all the more remarkable that Trump protected this achievement by considering that he had been horribly mistakenly misled by the White House in most cases of the carnivirus and the epidemic.In the midst of a national tragedy, the president protects his legacy ahead of what is being described as a cold winter.The President will return to campaign later today. The day is getting narrower on the way to his victory. But he believes Justice Barrett’s White House ceremony will resonate with his supporters and increase his chances in these last days.And here’s the key point: Despite his defeat, Trump has intensified the American culture war over the next few decades.

Watch Trump vs. Biden: Results on ITV from 11pm on Tuesday, November 3rd

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About the Author: Hanley Mallin

Internet geek. Wannabe bacon enthusiast. Web trailblazer. Music maven. Entrepreneur. Pop culture fan.

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