Experts list places where the coronavirus is likely to contract

With the saddle, we are entering the Wild West stage of COVID-19.

As summer gets warmer and government constraints disappear, Americans are free to weigh the risks of applying pre-pandemic entertainment, such as going back to work, eating, going on vacation and the beach.

In order to avoid deadly diseases, scientists say that people should consider five risks, including proximity to people, before they leave; the possibility of others to practice safe behavior; inside or outside; exposure time and personal health risks, according to a survey by four public health professionals, MLM lives in Michigan.

“Until we get a vaccine, we’ll have to go ahead with risk reduction strategies,” said Matthew Sims, director of infectious disease research at Beaumont Health. “Since you can’t keep the economy forever, you can’t put people’s lives on hold forever.”

The places where doctors gather in bulk to allow people to be loose are most likely crawling with coronavirus. The big concerts and bars were 9 on a risk scale between 1 and 10.

“After a few drinks, they start to feel a little bit more invincible,” Nasir Husain said. “That is when the problem begins.”

The tennis court is one of the easiest places to pass the COVID avoidance game unless your partner has a disease. The activity is one of two people who received 1 reassuring score by doctors.

Navigating restaurants is not as easy as going on the tennis court. Takeaway, patio seating and dining carry all risks. The second is the most dangerous – 6.


Here is a guide to plan your life after the crash. Places and activities listed on 1-10 scale due to the risk of contracting with COVID-19 10 most risky and 1 least dangerous:

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Bars and big music concerts = 9
Bars and big music concerts = 9REUTERS
Sports stadiums, gyms, amusement parks, churches and buffets = 8
Sports stadiums, gyms, amusement parks, churches and buffets = 8REUTERS
Public pools = 7
Public pools = 7REUTERS
Movie theaters, hairdressing salons and barber shops = 6
Movie theaters, hairdressing salons and barber shops = 6REUTERS
Planes, beaches, bowling alleys and backyard barbecues = 5
Planes, beaches, bowling alleys and backyard barbecues = 5REUTERS
Busy city sidewalks and dental offices = 4
Busy city sidewalks and dental offices = 4REUTERS
Libraries / museums, markets, hotels and golf courses = 3
Libraries / museums, markets, hotels and golf courses = 3REUTERS
Pumping gas, walking / running and cycling = 2
Pumping gas, walking / running and cycling = 2REUTERS
Restaurant service and tennis = 1
Restaurant service and tennis = 1REUTERS

Source: medical professionals panel

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About the Author: Abbott Hopkins

Analyst. Amateur problem solver. Wannabe internet expert. Coffee geek. Tv guru. Award-winning communicator. Food nerd.

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