The Arizona Department of Health Services called state hospitals to “fully activate” the facility emergency plans, according to new reports; because the state has seen a sudden increase in coronavirus cases since it reopened last month.
LetterDated on Saturday and signed by healthcare director Cara Christ, hospitals urged to reduce or suspend elective surgeries to ensure sufficient bed capacity for over-beds, cross-train staff, and sufficient bed capacity for patients without COVID.
The letter contains many of the same recommendations outlined in another note sent to hospitals in March – but the new letter is Gov. comes after weeks. Doug Ducey’s order to stay at home after the end of May 15. KPNX reported.
Ducey attributed the increase last week to an increase in the test.
“We have recently seen some hospitals have concerns about the increase in patients,” said Jessica Rigler, vice director of healthcare services. KTAR News 92.3 FM. “So we wanted to make sure we had some additional guidance on the steps they could take to these facilities, and we wanted to remind them of some of the proposed requirements… in the previous letter.”
Hospitals should also identify additional ICU and inpatient beds to cover an additional 50 percent bed increase.
In addition, it should determine whether its facilities will switch from conventional maintenance to unexpected situation maintenance and be prepared for crisis maintenance.
The letter is dated the same day in Christ ABC said 15 He said that department staff had made mistakes in the department’s coronavirus control panel since April and reported incorrect hospitalization numbers.
According to the report, the government misjudged the number of hospital beds currently in use and available in Arizona, because the confusion and increase capacity of staff on the number of beds allowed to operate the facilities.
Arizona resulted in a total of 28,296 coronavirus cases and 1,070 deaths, shows status data.
This includes 618 new cases and 23 more deaths reported on Tuesday morning.
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