EU Migration Treaty: 5 Southern Countries Want to Develop “General Proposals”

Five European Mediterranean countries of migrants, Cyprus, Spain, Greece, Italy and Malta, agreed to develop a “general proposal” on the new European migration treaty on Saturday on the “frontline of welcome”.

Greece, Italy, Malta and Spain have already told the European Commission that a proposed new agreement on migration and asylum largely does not share the burden of migrants arriving in Europe.

“We reiterate our firm plea in favor of a genuinely necessary balance between solidarity and responsibility, as the treaty in its current form does not adequately assure member states in the front row”, pointing to the joint declaration published on Saturday is.

The Athens meeting comes a week before the European Summit on 25 and 26 March.

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The mechanism to bring back migrants has already been addressed in the framework of the drafting of the “new agreement on migration and asylum” presented last September by the European Commission.

According to the European Union, cooperation with countries of origin of migrants includes a better organization of development assistance, investment, trade and legal immigration channels.

A week ago, European Commissioner Ylva Johansson in charge of migration issues felt there was a “readiness” to define the list with member states, with “readmemission” as a priority to “improve cooperation” Let the negotiations begin. Of migrants.

Aware that some countries, mainly the states of the Eastern European Union, oppose it, the new agreement proposes that they pay money to help asylum seekers to others.

Ministers who met at a hotel in Vuligamini, a seaside suburb of Athens, included European Commission Vice-Chairman Margaris Sinchinas and Greek Prime Minister Kyrikos Mitsotakis.

“The new agreement should include basic reforms,” ​​Materchi said in a statement.

He stated that “there is a lack of balance between the obligations of the countries of the First Reception and the uncertain mechanism of solidarity of the rest of the EU”.

Spanish Minister of Internal Affairs Fernando Gómez underscored the importance of effective European cooperation with third countries, namely the countries of origin of migrants and the countries they go through in Europe, “such as the most effective formulas to prevent illegal migration”. .

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The need for a repatriation mechanism coordinated by the European Commission was also underscored by Italy’s Interior Minister Luciana Lamourges, while Maltese Interior Minister Byron Camilleri stated that “unfortunately the resettlement of migrants from host countries is largely voluntary” .

Cyprus Interior Minister Nikos Nouris accused Turkey of “organized and systematically provocative activity” against migrants.

Always reluctant to withdraw deportation, Ankara often uses the migration issue to pressure Europe and ask for more financial aid for the more than 3.5 million refugees on its territory.

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About the Author: Hanley Mallin

Internet geek. Wannabe bacon enthusiast. Web trailblazer. Music maven. Entrepreneur. Pop culture fan.

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