Astonishing Discovery: Vast Network of Ancient Cities Revealed in the Amazon Rainforest

Archaeologists Discover Ancient Cities in Amazon Rainforest

Archaeologists have recently made a groundbreaking discovery in the Upano Valley of Amazonian Ecuador. Using a remote sensing method called light detection and ranging (lidar), researchers have uncovered an extensive network of cities dating back an astonishing 2,500 years. The findings challenge previous notions about the Amazon rainforest and shed light on the advanced urban planning of early civilizations.

The pre-Hispanic settlements that have been unearthed are highly structured and feature remarkable architectural elements. The cities boast wide streets, long, straight roads, plazas, and clusters of monumental platforms. Over 6,000 platforms were discovered within the surveyed area, with at least 15 clusters of settlements identified.

These platforms, mostly rectangular in shape and measuring around 20 meters by 10 meters (66 feet by 33 feet), were often built in groups of three or six and organized around a low, square plaza. Additionally, the research team found larger platforms in monumental complexes, suggesting their use for civic or ceremonial functions.

Interestingly, some settlements were found to be protected by ditches, indicating potential threats or tension between different groups living in the area. This further emphasizes the complex social dynamics of these ancient cities.

The cities were interconnected through a network of pathways, as well as larger, straight roads with curbs. These road systems allowed for efficient transportation and trade between settlements. Moreover, the archaeologists discovered evidence of land cultivation, such as drainage fields and terraces, in the buffer zones between complexes. These agricultural techniques highlight the sophisticated abilities of early societies in the region.

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The discoveries made in Amazonian Ecuador align with similar findings in other parts of the Americas, pointing to the existence of early, advanced urban planning in the region. It challenges previous assumptions that the Amazon rainforest was only inhabited by semi-nomadic tribes.

The significance of these findings can not be underestimated. They provide valuable insights into the complexities of early societies and their techniques in agriculture and urban planning. The research showcases how these ancient civilizations transformed the Amazon rainforest into thriving urban centers.

This discovery raises further questions and paves the way for future research in the region. The team of archaeologists hopes that continued exploration and excavations will yield more information about the history and development of these remarkable cities in the heart of the Amazon rainforest.

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About the Author: Tad Fisher

Prone to fits of apathy. Music specialist. Extreme food enthusiast. Amateur problem solver.

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