What are the new restrictions for ‘very high’ warning areas?

A “three rules” tiered system has been introduced to simplify local lockdowns on coronavirus hotspots.

The new model of government in England’s “local cove alert levels” will serve as a traffic light system with three distinct levels of medium, high and very high.

Especially in areas with high levels of infection, pubs, gyms and casinos may be forced to close their doors to stop the spread of the virus.

Boris Johnson said the new Covid warning levels were introduced “to avoid the misery of the second lockdown”.

What vEri High Level / Tier 3 Lockdown?

For areas with very high levels of infection. The government will establish a baseline of measures for any region at this local alert level. Additional arrangements will be made in consultation with the local authorities.

Baseline means the following measures are in place:

  • Pubs and bars must be closed and open only where they run a restaurant – which means serving enough food during the main meal or as an evening meal. They can only serve alcohol as part of this kind of food
  • Wedding reception is not allowed
  • People must not support bubbles in meeting anyone outside of his or her home or in any indoor or outdoor setting at home or in a public place. The “Rule of Six” applies to open public spaces such as parks and beaches
  • Will people try to get access to work, education, youth services, care or if they are in transit, to travel outside of the ‘very high’ area or to avoid entering the ‘very high’ area?
  • People should avoid staying overnight in another part of the UK if they live in a ‘very high’ area, or stay overnight in a very ‘high’ area if they live in another place

Level 1 explains the lockdown rules: what you can and cannot do in the ‘moderate risk alert zone’

Level 2 Lockdown Rule: What you can and cannot do in ‘high’ alert areas

Which regions are affected?

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