Von der Lein: ‘The EU has exported 10 million doses to Britain. Nothing comes back ‘. Answer: ‘We are fulfilling the commitments’

Skirmish between The European Union I The uk, where Collision They are measured on Vaccine supplements Exported from Brussels Without reciprocity for other countries. One of these is also Great britain Which, despite producing the vaccine AstraZenecaHas not yet ensured the shipment of vials to the continent. Raise the knot Important when Rural areas to vaccinate In full swing – Chairman of Commission Europop Ursula von der Leyen Who recalls: “We have exported ten million doses from the European Union” Great britain, “It is the first country for export from the European Union” does not mention that The uk Produces vaccine AstraZeneca. “We are still waiting for the dose to come The uk So that there is reciprocity ”. The answer came from London: a spokesperson for Downing Street replied that Boris Johnson had a government “The honor his The commitment“No ban on export of vaccines. He said, “I have been talking ever since.” Prime Minister At the beginning of the year with von der Leyen – the spokesman said – in which he included restrictions on the companies that implement them The responsibility Contractual. We live Faithful a This theory And we hope that the European Union will continue to honor its commitments.

The chairman of the European Commission recalled that the union was “the region that has exported the most,” 41 million doses a 33 countriesBut we want to see Reciprocity. Nothing is returning to the European Union. On the other hand, with the status “ United States of america“Vigorous von der Leyen, with whom” MutualThere are no exports from The European Union a America And unlike vaccines, but there is a rapid flow Omen, Of Ingredients, and all The topics Which is used to make vaccines ”.

Compliance with contract and AstraZeneca deduction – For a quick and effective continuation of Vaccination campaign“, And” to improve and improve “,” we want manufacturing companies to honor contracts “, he says Von der leyenContrary to what is done AstraZeneca, Which will “deliver” in the second quarterThe European Union 70 million doses compared to 180 million he had contractually promised to supply “. Despite the failure to comply with delivery commitments of Anglo-Swedish multinational, “With the advent of the first dose of vaccine Johnson and johnson From April we can reach the goal of being 70% of vaccinated adults By the end of summer ”, the president of The commission And remember that on the contrary, what has been done so far AstraZeneca, Biotech-pfizer I modern He has respected his commitments. 200 million doses in the second quarter will come from the first, 55 Johnson and johnson And 35 yes modern. The first Jammu and Kashmir vaccination is expected in April.

about The companies “Reliable”, he said with these “we need Investment For construction Participation In the long term, investing in them, so we will be ready to give advance reservation for millions of doses in future also. Upon delivery, Von der leyen He insisted that “it should be done Proportionate to populationProper criterion “, but that’s something Member countries “they decided otherwise“Don’t buy then” The quantity This was the reason, so there have been Return back Serial Distribution for those wishing to buy more than The population“.

“Proportionality” in vaccine exports – in light of Epidemiological situation ThatGetting worse “, Von der leyen Repeats that A.Europe “It is trying to cooperate with exports, but as the roads run in both directions, there should be reciprocity and proportionality. If the situation does not change – Chairman of The commission -, we have to reflect to make it dependent Exports at the level of openness of countries“Recipients. And” we will consider whether it is with countries that have higher vaccination rates. Equality“. in Europe, Which has the highest percentage, is The uk, Which has administered 26.5 million doses so far, completing vaccination for 1.66 million citizens (equivalent to 2.5% of the population). In addition, from today it invites more than 50 people to vaccinate, already covering almost all of them More than 70, Sick and vulnerable people, as well as a large proportion of fifty-year-old children.

Regarding the suspension of AstraZeneca – As for temporary suspension of AstraZeneca In many Europe countries In the light of matters of ThrombosisPresident of The commission Specifies that he “believes in the product and in the scientists.”mother (Who had a press conference yesterday and will definitely decide on this issue tomorrow). We need to give them the necessary time to evaluate The frequency of events thromboembolic” in comparison with Citizenship Vaccination. “We should respect processes and respect the fact that scientists need some days to conduct them” Analysis. I’m glad no approval was taken Vaccines, “But we have faced a long way”.

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