Trump admits that some people can catch Covid-19 at the Tulsa rally

People enter an office building in downtown Dallas, Texas on May 27.
People enter an office building in downtown Dallas, Texas on May 27. Cooper Neill / Bloomberg / Getty Images

A new report, published in the New England Journal of Medicine on Thursday, outlines what businesses and other institutions can do to continue their activities safely between the Covid-19 outbreak.

Employees and customers should do all the well-documented things that are known to help protect against the spread of the disease: frequent hand washing, wearing masks, keeping separate, and keeping people at home when they feel unwell. However, the report shows that employers can receive disciplinary action against employees who do not comply with these guidelines.

Health lawyer Mark Barnes from Ropes and Gray LLP, and Dr. Brigad and Women’s Hospital in Boston, head of infectious diseases. The report by Paul Sax advises employers to offer or extend sick leave benefits to encourage workers to stay home while feeling sick.

Businesses can also place divisions or barriers between workers or employees and customers, and improve ventilation and air circulation.

Progressive work programs may be safer for workers who are at higher risk of serious illness from the virus, including the option to work from home. Learning institutions should offer distance learning opportunities for students with underlying medical conditions.

There should be coordination on schools, day care and daily treatment centers reopened between businesses and local governments.

“Day care and resumption of school activities are a very important factor, because many employees cannot return to work if education and day care for children and the elderly or family members with disabilities remain closed, given the family conditions,” the report said. Said.

In addition to public transportation, the use of social, religious and leisure activities for workers outside business hours is another major challenge faced by businesses when reopened, according to the report, which states that many businesses have adopted daily temperature controls and health surveys. an employee or customer represents a risk. For residential colleges or schools, the report recommends that the institution provide a place where students can isolate before they go home.

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As for workplace tests, the report states that “promising to control workplace delivery, but have serious limitations,” adding that “antigen tests” will likely have more specificity, but reduce sensitivity, when “widely available.” When there is an increase in report capacity, employers they can also implement person tracking in the workplace.

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About the Author: Abbott Hopkins

Analyst. Amateur problem solver. Wannabe internet expert. Coffee geek. Tv guru. Award-winning communicator. Food nerd.

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