The longest game in history is already ready?

long run games

You’ve probably noticed: in recent years, it’s taking longer for players to complete video games. proliferation of open world games Certainly no stranger to the lifetime inflation of securities. The bigger the playground, the more things to do in it.

As we can see in the latest horizon, this desire fill every corner of the world map Increases play time significantly – sometimes excessively. take the chain Assassins Creed It takes up to 60 hours to complete the main story of : valhallawhere “only” 30 needed to be completed Original, a great number of.

This race to figure out the biggest game matches a very specific strategy from publishers, which the latest communication from giant Ubisoft was able to uncover.

Ubisoft’s strategy rewarded

As part of its financial results presentation, Ubisoft said that players spent an average of 45% longer far cry 6 on that far cry 5, From an economic point of view, the French publisher noted that players’ regular investments – their ability to spend money in games – also contributed to increased by almost 30% over this period,

When comparing the last two main entries in the first-person shooter video game series, we find that far cry 6 Takes longer to complete than its predecessor. According to, far cry 5 It takes a player approximately 30 hours to complete the side content, whereas far cry 6 It takes 7-8 hours longer to complete under similar conditions.

So we understand the editor’s way of thinking: The more players involved in a game, the more likely they are to spend their money on it, profitability ofAssassin’s Creed Valhalla, the title we mentioned earlier, leaves the door open for all excesses. What is the longest completed game in history?

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