Protesters install guillotine outside Jeff Bezos’ DC home

The protesters installed a guillotine outside the Washington DC complex, which allegedly includes Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos.

Here are a few videos that are distributed on social media and show what the device looks like for executions executed in the residential area of ​​the capital during the French Revolution. A sign said: “Support our poor communities. Not our rich men. “

It was not immediately clear whether Bezos was in DC this weekend.

Its primary residence is in Washington state, where it founded those who entered the enormous e-commerce company in 1994. It is one of the richest people in the world, currently net worth of $ 160.8 billion. According to Forbes.

He also lives in a luxurious Manhattan neighborhood, which is sometimes popular among celebrities like Jennifer Lopez.

In a video, a female protester who made a face-off call through a megaphone in DC was shown: “Knives come out when they’re threatened and we don’t have a voice.”

You can browse the Internet and say, “Remove the gift. “Rebuild our future.” He chose the DC complex and advertised an event on Sunday evening between 4-8.

“Amazon is hiding racist fears for the snow by working directly with the police to spy on us. Convincing the unions to burn and mistreat workers, Amazon fired and fired workforce organizer Chris Smalls. ” “Join us to tell Jeff Bezos that it’s enough!”

“End Abuse and Profitability. POLICE, PENALTY AND REMOVE AMAZON ”concludes.

Smalls, an Amazon employee for five years, was fired earlier this year after holding a job cut at the company’s warehouse in Staten Island, NY to protest the lack of personal protective equipment and the hazard charge during the coronavirus pandemic, The Guardian reported.

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Amazon said Smalls was fired for “violating social distance rules and risking the safety of others.”

Bezos said on Instagram earlier this month that he was “happy to lose” customers who did not support Black Lives Matter.

Amazon joined the list of companies demanding a showdown with corporate racism after the death of the black man George Floyd, who died after kneeling on his neck when a Minneapolis police officer was handcuffed.

In the days following Floyd’s death, the company believes that partly Black is important. We are in solidarity with our black employees, customers and partners, and we are determined to help build a country and world where everyone can live with dignity and fearlessness. “

Bezos may testify before Congress as soon as the company undergoes antitrust examination at Capitol Hill this summer. One of the few Silicon Valley executives who could not testify before the Congress in recent years – Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Apple CEO Tim Cook and Google CEO Sundar Pichai all called for testimony.

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About the Author: Abbott Hopkins

Analyst. Amateur problem solver. Wannabe internet expert. Coffee geek. Tv guru. Award-winning communicator. Food nerd.

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