On the eve of Elizabeth II’s platinum jubilee, the monarchy is still going strong

On the eve of Elizabeth II’s platinum jubilee, the monarchy is still going strong

Many of the Queen’s subjects gather to mark the 70th anniversary of the reign of the Queen of England. If the British believe that the monarchy must adapt to the times, they cling to this thousand-year-old institution that defines them as a people.

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Reading Time: 7 Minutes

TookUnion Flag flags have been flown on the streets of Oxford Street in London since May. In the middle is the symbol of Elizabeth II’s jubilee: a purple disc, the color of royalty, on which is carved a stylized figure both modern and evocative of St. Edward’s crown. For several months, the United Kingdom has been preparing to celebrate the seventy-year reign of Elizabeth II. Apart from official festivals, the capital is replete with citizen initiatives organized in various Town
Londoners. Spacious picnics at the Barnes Tidal Nature Reserve to the west of the city, the popular banquette on a mile to Walthamstow’s shopping street to the northeast, or even giant screens, barbecues and live for Bounds Green Tennis and Bos Club to the north music.

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