New York governor signs more police reform laws

Herb Wesson Jr., President of the Los Angeles City Council, speaks at the City Club in Los Angeles on December 3, 2019
Herb Wesson Jr., Los Angeles City Councilor, speaks at Earl Gibson III / AP at the City Club in Los Angeles on December 3, 2019.

Herb Wesson Jr., Los Angeles City Council President Efforts to replace Los Angeles Police Department officials with unarmed, law enforcement agencies responsible for responding to “non-violent service calls” are under way, Tuesday.

Wesson said, “21. We need to review public security in the 19th century. Someone who reduces the need for an armed police presence, especially when the situation does not necessarily require it, ”said Wesson, in a statement about the movement initiated by his colleagues today.

Wesson, the first African-American president of the Los Angeles City Council, said that the police went from part of the solution to part of the problem and “may not have the best equipment to respond to non-emergency situations.”

“These calls need to be directed to more equipped, well-equipped, expert-trained employees to handle the situation,” said Wesson. Said. “My colleague Nury Martinez and I want a systematic crisis response plan to replace the presence of the police with non-criminal service providers, including medical professionals, mental health workers, homeless outreach workers, and others’ specialist training.”

Read Wesson’s tweet about the move:

Some information: At least seven Los Angeles police officers police department told CNN on 10 June that he was dismissed from field duties after using excessive force during recent protests.

The movement was Violent responses to police protest protesters. critics physical actions such as the use of tear gas, rubber bullets, and in some cases excessive force.

“The Los Angeles Police Department continues to investigate allegations of abuse of office, violations of the Department policy and excessive force during the last civil unrest,” police said in a statement. Said.

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The ministry said it has “commissioned 40 researchers to thoroughly review each complaint” and “hold each officer responsible for their actions.” Los Angeles police said that fifty-six complaints are currently under investigation and 28 are related to the alleged use of force.

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About the Author: Abbott Hopkins

Analyst. Amateur problem solver. Wannabe internet expert. Coffee geek. Tv guru. Award-winning communicator. Food nerd.

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