According to an Opinium poll conducted across the channel, 42% of Brexit supporters believe a divorce with the EU went wrong.
A year after Brexit, the British are at least convinced about the benefits of a divorce between the United Kingdom and the European Union. According to a new Opinion poll for the Observer, more than six in ten voters believe leaving the EU went badly.
Among supporters of “Quit”, 42% hold a negative view of the course of Brexit and 26% even say that the situation is worse than expected. In favor of “staying”, a large majority (86%) believed that withdrawal from the EU went badly. In the end, only 14% of all British voters believe Brexit went better than expected.
17% “leavers” Brexit . satisfied with the progress of
A key lesson from this new survey is that Brexit supporters are now more skeptical than ever about their chances of leaving the EU. “During most of the Brexit process, when you asked the question ‘Is Brexit good or bad?’ You had all the survivors answering ‘bad’ and all the levers answering ‘good’ (…),” reminds The Guardian’s director of research at Opinium.
Now, “a significant pro-Brexit minority say things are going badly (…). Of those who voted to stay in the EU, 59% said ‘I hope it goes badly,'” And I think it does’, only 17% of ‘Quit’ voters said: ‘I expected it to go well and I think it is,'” he said. he adds.
The publication of this survey precedes the introduction of new customs controls on goods exported from the European Union to the United Kingdom on 1 January. These are of concern to small and medium-sized enterprises, who fear “significant disruption”, many of them unprepared enough for red tape and the additional costs they will incur.
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