It is different from the people of UK and South Africa

In Japan Not oneCoronavirus version eggs, As of today, the announcement was made Ministry of Health of the country. The virus, discovered in four people – both men and women under 40, arrived from Brazil.

Similarities with British stock

Although sSimilarities with earlier strains in Britain and South Africa, This particular type of virus has never been detected before. Rises like this Number of 34 infections Confirmed version of strain Kovid-19 in Japan. Three of these cases involved people not coming from overseas, including two cases of UK strains found on Sunday.

The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare immediately reported the discovery of a new version of the World Health Organization. The infected passengers arrived at Tokyo’s Haneda Airport on 2 January. After testing positive at the airport, the National Institute of Infectious Diseases analyzed their samples and confirmed the Kovid-19 version. Such symptoms appeared in three Shortness of breath, fever and sore throat.

and also NIID Announced confirmation of new variants. Currently, the institute said, it is difficult to judge the infectiousness of stress, the risk of developing severe symptoms, and the effectiveness of vaccines.

Types of viruses in Britain and South Africa

Variants found in the UK and South Africa have been determined to spread more easily than strains previously identified during the epidemic. JapanMeanwhile, is in the midst of its own Worst coronavirus wave ever encountered. As two cases of British stress were revealed on Sunday, both individuals in their 20s had dinner with a 30-year-old man, who tested positive after arriving from the UK. The man, who initially tested negative on arrival, should have been left at home for two weeks.

The ministry believes that the virus spreads on this occasion. But he expressed Optimism There would be no further infection, as two individuals who contracted the virus from this person had no contact with a large number of people.

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