In the middle of the hate crime probe found effigy hanging from Oakland tree

One day after authorities launched a hate crime investigation into several noses hanging from trees in the same area, a “false body” was found hanging from a tree in Oakland, California, according to a report.

The effigy of a resident hanging near Lake Merritt on Thursday morning was widely shared on social media, reported.

“This morning he was horrified to see a legend hanging from the knot in # LakeMerritt with his running pants and American flag,” Twitter user Christina Hernandez posted. “Disgusting and embarrassing.”

Another user“These white superiors are sending a message,” @BlakeDontCrack said. It is our duty to protect our people in every way necessary. “

user registered The terrifying discovery was made somewhere before the celebration of the June celebrations, somewhere to mark the official end of slavery in the USA.

SFGate confirmed that the police found that “a string tied around the trunk and neck, stuffed in the shape of a human body lying on the ground next to a tree with an American flag next to it”.

On Wednesday, Mayor Libby Schaaf said the noose opinions will be investigated by the FBI as hate crime.

He tweeted on Thursday: “Earlier this morning, we removed a human bust hanging from a tree in Lake Merritt, a deliberate and vile attempt to traumatize and divide Oaklanders.

“We immediately investigated the FBI to investigate what this hate crime is – hate crime – immediately,” added Schaaf.

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About the Author: Abbott Hopkins

Analyst. Amateur problem solver. Wannabe internet expert. Coffee geek. Tv guru. Award-winning communicator. Food nerd.

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