Immigrant children in dominant family government detention centers should be released due to coronavirus

The decision is part of efforts to release detainees who are particularly sensitive to the coronavirus, given the indoor environments and potential for its spread.

On his orders, Judge Dolly M. Gee of the California District District US District Court called for the rapid removal of immigrant children from one of three family detention centers operated by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Texas and Pennsylvania.

Judge Gee said that children should be left with “appropriate sponsors or other COVID-free communal environments” with or without the consent of their parents or guardians.

According to the decision, as of June 8, ICE had 124 children in custody. The decision, which calls for the release of children by July 17, applies to children residing in three facilities for more than 20 days.

The efforts by Gee must be made with “deliberate speed”.

Overall, according to the agency’s Friday afternoon statistics, approximately 8,858 tested detainees and 751 positives tested in ICE detention and tested for coronavirus.

CNN reached ICE for comment.

Last month, Democratic Parliament lawmakers urged the Trump administration to announce a letter from ICE asking immigrant families to choose between staying with their children or releasing them.

Lawyers and immigration attorneys shared meetings between their parents and ICE officers on whether their children would be detained by their parents or if they were turned into a sponsor in the U.S., sharing the anecdotes of families who were sadly detained for encountering ICE.

Families detained at three ICE detention facilities – Pennsylvania, South Texas (Dilley) Berks, and Karnes County Family Settlements in Texas – shared similar stories. According to lawyers and lawyers who provide legal aid, children in facilities range from 1 year to 17 years.

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“The administration should stop using this public health crisis as a tool to implement illegal and inhuman migration policies. At these extraordinary times, human suffering does not need to be combined by locking families or instilling fear into the hearts of immigrant parents.” He chaired the National Security Secretary Chad Wolf and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Matt Albence.

ICE refused to create a bilateral election under the “bilateral election” or separate parents from their children.

This story has been updated with additional information.

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About the Author: Abbott Hopkins

Analyst. Amateur problem solver. Wannabe internet expert. Coffee geek. Tv guru. Award-winning communicator. Food nerd.

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