Federal court of appeal: Trump cannot transfer military funds to border wall

In the decision of 2-1The US 9th Appeals Tribunal said that the $ 2.5 billion transfer has circumvented Congress, which held the mandate for the appropriate amount of money.

The legal struggle for the Ministry of Defense funds stems from Trump’s national emergency announcement at the US-Mexico border last year. Trump extended the notification last February, even though arrests at the borders begin to diminish.

“The Executive Branch did not have independent constitutional powers for fund transfer,” wrote the Chief Circuit Judge Sidney Thomas for the majority. “The panel stated that the US Constitution’s Allocation Charter exclusively gave the bag the power to Congress. The panel stated that the transfer of funds violated the Allocation Charter and was therefore illegal.”

Friday’s decision was a gain for states that challenge the use of environmental groups and military funds, but remained in a Supreme Court that allowed the use of the funds issued last year.

The American Civil Liberties Union applauded the decision Friday. “The wall of President Trump’s xenophobia flattens the already protected land, leaves cultural sites unstable and destroys wildlife,” said Dror Ladin, a lawyer for the ACLU National Security Project. “There is no undoing damage done, but we will eventually return to the Supreme Court to put an end to this devastating wall.”

Three years after his presidency, Trump faced a number of legal challenges on an attempt to increase efforts with additional funds from the border wall and other government accounts.

Still, the President initiated the progress on the border wall. The administration billed Trump’s first 2020 travel to the border this week as a celebration of the completion of the 20020 new wall system.

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“My government has done more than any government in history to secure our southern border. Our border has never been so safe,” he said. The management said it plans to build 450 miles by the end of the year.

Last summer, the Supreme Court cleared the way for the Trump administration to use $ 2.5 billion to build fragments of a wall along the southwestern border from the Pentagon.

While the decision allowed the Ministry of Defense to spend money, a court war began on whether the government had the power to direct funds not suitable for the wall. The Supreme Court voted 5-4 votes in ideological ways to allow funds to be used while the appeals proceeded.

The Justice and Homeland Security units did not immediately respond to the request for comment.

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About the Author: Abbott Hopkins

Analyst. Amateur problem solver. Wannabe internet expert. Coffee geek. Tv guru. Award-winning communicator. Food nerd.

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