Easyjet removes the seats to be able to fly with less crew

Low-cost airline EasyJet announced on Monday that it plans to cut seats on some of its planes this summer as part of a strategy to reduce the workforce.

Employers across the region are being hit by staff shortages, which have led to the recent cancellation of several flights, as they respond to the resumption of international travel after the end of restrictions linked to Covid-19. fight for.

Airlines are required by law to provide one cabin crew member for every 50 seats. By removing the last row of six seats from its smallest aircraft, the A319, EasyJet will reduce the number of passengers from 156 to 150, limiting its requirements to three cabin crew members instead of four.

Airport and airline officials are looking to hire thousands of people to cope with hopes of a spurt in the summer holidays as many international destinations reopen to tourists. EasyJet chief executive Johan Lundgren has previously indicated that the company expects 2019 passenger numbers to approach this summer, despite recent problems getting security clearances for new fares.

In the UK, the government lifted a ban on international travel in January.

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