Donald Trump’s anti-mask crusade comes to bite him

Now, as the clinical and election damage stems from a re-emerging virus that is close to getting out of control after a new record day for new cases on Wednesday, the President may be moving very slowly towards rethinking.

Trump made a false impression that the worst was behind us, that the norms were about to roar, as everyone around him got naked when masked. He strengthened his ties with base supporters, who saw their authority to wear masks as a sign of servitude to the government and the elite and an obstacle to their rights.

Nevertheless, Trump’s position has been increasingly isolated from even Republican leaders who have facilitated their chains, while public health officials and local and state leaders of all political lines begged to cover up with the public so that the country can heal itself.

Fauci said the aggressive state openings Trump advocated backfire in the bars and crowds without masked people.

“This is a violation of the principles of what we are trying to do and wearing these masks is social distance,” Nucus told NPR on Wednesday. Said.

The reality suggested by such warnings has helped to change the debate about wearing a mask.

Rather than being a sign of strength and challenge, Trump’s isolated crusade against the masks – in the last tweet he called himself a “Lonely Warrior”, now the most basic steps to save a rapidly deteriorating national disaster, boted federal government response and American life he even refused to throw.

On Wednesday, Trump presented the first signs that medical professionals understood the box he built for him on masks, which he said could contain droplets that could infect people and surfaces and facilitate the spread of the coronavirus.

In an interview with President Fox Business, he claimed that he was “all for masks” and wore them in small groups where social distance was not possible.
But for the past two months, Trump has put on the mask and undermined his government’s advice. He told the Wall Street Journal that they were wearing masks to show that people did not approve of it. He warned the press that seeing his face closed to the public would not “enjoy” it. He traveled across the country with a bare face and offered social distance advice. He even said that he could not wear a mask when meeting with “presidents, prime ministers, dictators, kings, queens”.

“I don’t know, I somehow don’t see it myself,” said the President in April.

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Trump’s steps on baby masks

The small move from Wednesday’s established position could be anything he could manage for now – especially in November, his rival, Democrat Joe Biden, said he would require him to wear a mask nationally if he was elected.

But the problem is not whether Trump wears a mask specifically. The president’s pioneering with a face mask will be a strong signal to millions of loyal supporters – especially in the conservative Southern states, where wearing a mask will frown and the virus gets worse and faster.

Until now, Trump – a choice that all presidents face sooner or later – has dived, preventing risk taking with its basic support. It means it took him so long that if the Air Force eventually walked away from someone in a mask, it would cause an uproar, and possibly any political benefit that such a step could have earned him before is rejected.

It is not surprising that the president stands out about wearing a mask. The weaker his political position before the election, the more he adopted the attitudes that appealed to his most loyal fans on issues such as viruses, race and foreign policy.

Trump’s mask surprise is an act of rebellion against the founding figures, scientists and professional officials of the government, where he has been waging civil war since he took office. A natural fit for a life-long stranger who is personally and politically forced to break the rules.

The President’s slight softening in the mask wearing position on Wednesday repeatedly stressed that wearing a mask was not a political act but a gesture of humanity, after indirectly rejecting the posture of most of his political allies.

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“None of us should be stigmatized about wearing masks,” said Kentucky Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday. Said. Vice President Mike Pence, who hardly spent weeks to undermine government messages on this issue in the weekend and hated wearing a mask backed by his boss. However, Pence still does not go inside – it typically says that wearing a mask should be done where it is “specified” by the local authorities.

Even the president’s campaign manager, Brad Parscale, modeled the Trump-Pence mask at a rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma last month, suggesting that the lead actor had a huge marketing opportunity that might be lacking.

Some Republicans are trying to come back to squeak earlier about a step that counteracts the conservative talk show dogma by finding ways to make the mask more politically pleasing. Home Minority Leader California Republican Kevin McCarthy, a strong Trump ally, suggested that Americans should demonstrate their patriotism with red, white and blue face covering as Independence Day approaches. Tennessee Republican You. Lamar Alexander was elected governor decades ago, reminiscent of the red and black shirt he wore while walking in his state.

Trump still denies

Trump’s apparent change in wearing a mask probably does not indicate a corresponding change in his denial of the worsening crisis and his refusal to provide strong presidential leadership.

In the same Fox Business interview, he claimed that he went on to ignore even more than 127,000 Americans, who allegedly “did everything well” on the coronavirus, a pandemic that he initially ignored, later mismanaged and politicized.

Before we returned to the typical fantasy-based predictions about the virus, “We did a great job. We did a great job.”

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“We have returned very strongly. … And I think we will be very good with the coronavirus. I think this will disappear at some point. I hope,” said Trump. .

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If the president did not manifest about the deteriorating situation that slowed down about half of the states or paused plans to reopen, what could motivate him?

If there are new recorded infection rates, filling hospitals, and an average of 1,000 American deaths per day, it doesn’t take the epidemic seriously, there is still one thing it can do: the disastrous effect on hopes of re-election.

CNN’s Jim Acosta, Jeremy Diamond, and Kevin Liptak, according to sources familiar with the issue, show a split in Trump’s inner circle as to whether the President has ignored his attention for days or whether he will continue to open the economy.

Some of Trump’s most important assistants, including Managing Director Mark Meadows and his son-in-law Jared Kushner, began to worry about the chances of the President being re-elected and urged him to focus on the economy. Other counselors, however, believe it was seriously damaged in the midst of the epidemic.

“There is a lot of concern,” one adviser said, saying “the President was disappointed” by a new ballot stating that the President could win Biden’s November elections by a wide margin.

CNN’s Maeve Reston contributed to this report.

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About the Author: Abbott Hopkins

Analyst. Amateur problem solver. Wannabe internet expert. Coffee geek. Tv guru. Award-winning communicator. Food nerd.

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