California man and 27 relatives catch coronavirus, including dead father

A Californian man tested that he was positive for the coronavirus, including his family’s 27 members and his father, and his father succumbed to the disease just before Father’s Day.

Richard Garay spoke about Los Angeles based TV station KTLA She said she was the first person in her family to experience symptoms of COVID-19 last month.

“He passed from a runny nose to a headache, full fire,” said Garay.

Soon after, his 60-year-old father, Vidal Garay, also caught the disease – and his condition deteriorated rapidly.

“It was painful to watch my father’s health drop before me,” Garay said.

His father’s last words were: “Dad, I don’t think I will succeed.”

However, while Garay finally recovered, his father did not die on June 20, the day before Father’s Day.

It is unclear that so many people are infected in the family, but Garay thinks he may be from a relative who visited in mid-May or from the mother’s carer, According to CBSLA.

Most of Garay’s sick relatives, including her own children and her sibling’s pregnant wife, also recovered.

Garay said, however, that he shared his family’s story as a stimulating story for people to take measures to protect themselves and their loved ones against the virus.

“I don’t want my father’s death to be in vain,” he said. “I want people to understand that coronavirus is a real thing.”

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About the Author: Abbott Hopkins

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