Anti-mask group publishes the ‘exemption’ card while California quotes

The federal government says there is no such thing as a face mask exemption card approved by the Ministry of Justice.

These cards contain the Ministry of Justice seal and cite the Americans with Disabilities Act, but are not actually accepted by the ministry. said in a final statement.

The cards are distributed by an anti-mask group called the Freedom of Breathing Agency, reported Friday.

The agency publishes cards claiming to “exempt” the cardholder from wearing masks wherever they go, Referring to the Americans with Disabilities Act.

“I am exempted from any regulations that require the use of face masks in public. Wearing a face mask poses a mental and / or physical risk to me. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), I do not need to explain my situation to you. ”Reads a version of the card.

The founder of TFBA, Lenka Koloma, said that the cards were never issued by the ADA or the Ministry of Justice and that they would make people “aware of their rights”.

However, DOJ made a statement that most fake cards contain the seal of the episode.

“The Ministry invites the public not to trust the information contained in these records and to visit for ADA information published by the Ministry.” said.

In response to rising COVID-19 cases, the county of Los Angeles don’t quote for the “reckless danger” to those who refuse to wear a ring mask.

“I really don’t understand the people who politicize wearing masks – a choice that literally means life and death for some people,” Mayor Paul Koretz said on Friday.

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California Governor Gavin Newsom also announced that he would leave the county officials on Friday but “determined to intervene”. the district’s failure to take appropriate preventive measures.

On Saturday morning, Los Angeles County ruled the country in the number of cases reported by 91,577.

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About the Author: Abbott Hopkins

Analyst. Amateur problem solver. Wannabe internet expert. Coffee geek. Tv guru. Award-winning communicator. Food nerd.

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