WHO: Very soon to conclude on the origin of Kovid-19

It is still too early to draw any conclusions about the origin of Kovid-19, the World Health Organization (WHO) said, with a team carrying out a fact-finding mission on the new coronovirus in China.

“All perceptions are on the table. During a press conference in Geneva on Friday, WHO director of health-related emergencies, Michael Ryan, said it was too early to conclude whether the virus is in or out of China.

“Different parts of the world have different (…) scientific observations”, he said, “It’s a big puzzle and you can’t have a big picture looking at one of the 10,000 pieces of the puzzle.”

A team of WHO experts arrived in Wuhan on 14 January to begin an investigation into the origin of the deadly new coronovirus, with the first cases being detected in the city of central China in late 2019.

Mission members were taken as soon as they arrived at a hotel to observe a two-week quarantine. Since then, they have been working remotely and once quarantine is over they should be able to visit the sites and meet their Chinese contacts.

Kovid-19 has so far killed more than two million people worldwide, infected millions and severely affected the global economy.

“Our team is in the field, work is going well with our Chinese partners. We are looking at data, ”Ryan said. “It is too early to come to any conclusion but we feel that we are making little progress and we hope to move forward in the interest of public health and the future,” he said.

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About the Author: Hanley Mallin

Internet geek. Wannabe bacon enthusiast. Web trailblazer. Music maven. Entrepreneur. Pop culture fan.

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