80 percent of Americans say the country is ‘out of control’

According to a new survey, an overwhelming majority of American voters think things are “out of control” in the country.

Latest NBC News / Wall Street Journal survey Do you think that “when it comes to the country these days, things are generally in the country …” 80 percent of the participants chose “out of control” and “out of control” 15 percent.

The last year of President Trump’s first term was incredibly challenging, calling on the global coronavirus outbreak, as well as the reaction of national protests that took place after George Floyd’s death in police custody. The survey covered a variety of topics, including Trump’s handling of current crises and approval ratings about the choice choices between Trump and Joe Biden.

Most strikingly, in the survey, 46 percent of voters believed that the current state of the economy was “poor”, and 59 percent of voters were more concerned than “violent protests” with police actions after Floyd’s death – only for 27 percent of voters. concern.

Trump made a surprise victory last week when the number of jobs in May dropped rather than sharply as many predicted. However, the survey was conducted before business numbers appeared. When asked who to choose “whether to hold presidential elections today,” voters were 49 percent for ex-Vice President Joe Biden, 42 percent for Trump, and the rest were not sure or none.

In the NBC News / WSJ survey, 1,000 registered voters were given a plus or minus 3.1 point margin of error.

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About the Author: Abbott Hopkins

Analyst. Amateur problem solver. Wannabe internet expert. Coffee geek. Tv guru. Award-winning communicator. Food nerd.

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