Trump’s showcasing now supports him

The eyes of the President’s television producer cause him to look for powerful, challenging, destructive structures that create his own image, and dramatic paintings that break the presidency’s normal etiquette.

However, recent attempts to create arresting political images seem to be coming back.

In the latest example on Saturday, Trump’s attempt to embrace the strength and prestige of the army failed at a West Point graduation ceremony for its benefit when an apparently creeping down a ramp triggered so much social media mocking. He felt the need to explain in his own tweet.
For all his law and order tweets, his latest incident in police brutality – did not result in the fatal hit of Rayshard Brooks in Atlanta at the back – which led to the city’s chief of police resignation – the New Jersey golf resort for the weekend was secluded.
The mayor of Atlanta promised we would go to the other side of this. after the last shooting about the police
The President’s now march to an iconic church in Washington, DC’s Lafayette Square, after the protesters were forcibly removed, turned into an emblem of George Floyd’s mismanagement of protests, and the current and old military brass. A high iron fence erected around the White House later became a symbol of the President’s connection with changes that swept the country. Trump’s instincts after Floyd’s death were to take advantage of the situation to cool tensions with a knee in the neck of a police officer and to advance their political hopes rather than seeking national compromise. For example, he mentioned the policy of supporting Major League Soccer players’ rights to protest during the National Anthem over the weekend.
“And the NFL seems to be going in that direction, but I wasn’t watching with me,” he said. Trump has long benefited from the discussion of players who kneeled to protest police brutality to create a culture war issue to appeal to their supporters. But when NFL games continue, if more and more players take a knee and reflect a country that is willing to reconsider their racial attitude, the choice of climbing is likely to turn against the President.

Return to campaign track

This week, the President will hold a rally on Saturday night in Tulsa, Oklahoma to return to the campaign trail – despite the fear that a closed arena event with a large crowd banned from sporting events will cause an increase in infections, you’re the new coronavirus. The first plan was to be held on Friday. However, the decision to clash with Juneteenth, a holiday celebrating the end of slavery, served to emphasize the President’s race deafness. Instead of leading the issue, the President lags behind – both Democratic and Republican lawmakers are working on police reform, and there are major changes in law enforcement orders ordered by states and mayors.
Tulsa health director wishes Trump to postpone the rally due to the sudden rise in Covid-19 cases

A striking example of political performance art, Trump’s rallies are much more important to him than a traditional politician. They not only give the President a chance to sunbathe in the stimulation of a crowd, but also define his wild presidency in many ways and give the impression that Trump shares a massive anti-Washington political movement.

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Trump is planning further rallies in Arizona, Texas and Florida, where the virus is rising again rapidly after the early economic openings demanded. The events will most likely highlight the denial of the US about the pandemic and false judiciary that it “prevails” in the crisis.

Meanwhile, the flashy refusal to wear a mask disrupts the message that their government’s face coverings can significantly slow the spread of the coronavirus and, in fact, speed up the resumption of normal life. US Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams undermined Trump’s claim that social behavior changes enforced by the government to deal with the virus violated the fundamental rights of Americans on Sunday. “Some think that their face covering violates their freedom of choice – but if they wear more, we’ll have MORE freedom to go out,” Adams said.
In many ways, Trump’s presidency is a series of interconnected and choreographed moments, with progressive announcements like a recent decision, from summits with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un, who did nothing to convince the isolated state to quit his nuclear drive. He left the World Health Organization in the middle of the pandemic. Critics found that this decision would not be a problem for the United States as an attempt to diversify crime due to their long-standing failure to combat a virus, and currently killed more than 115,000 Americans.
State polls show a clear shift towards Democrats since protests began
This was the case, for example, when he visited France as a guest of honor at the country’s Bastille Day parade in 2017, and returned home decisively to stage his own magnificent center. Finally, a highly controversial celebration took place on July 4 last year, which pleased its supporters, but alienated millions of Americans by politicizing patriotism and raising serious questions about the President’s use of the army as a political prop.

One of the key questions of the November elections will be whether the message sent by the President’s supporters – and swing voters in the middle of the road – with his faceless showmanship will be sufficient to establish a winning coalition. Eventually more voters will turn against him.

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Trump shoots about the ramp walk

The president and the re-election campaign spent months trying to show Democrat Joe Biden as disabled and mentally and physically unfavorable to the challenges of his presidency.

However, the White House refused to be open about the President’s own health, including a mysterious and unplanned visit to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center last November.

And when critics asked about Trump’s slow walking down the ramp at West Point, he couldn’t handle it.

The President, who turned 74 on Sunday, returned to Twitter with his own narration of what happened and only served to enlarge the moment.

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“The ramp that I landed after my West Point Start speech was too long and erect, there was no handrail, and most importantly, it was very slippery. The last thing I would do is” fall “for the fake news to have fun. wrote a tweet.

West Point graduation continued even though students have been participating in online learning since March, as academies are in New York, one of the areas most affected during the pandemic.

The President made it clear that he plans to attend his graduates in April, criticizing that critics are putting students at risk for being recalled for a socially distant event.

Before the campaign rally in Tulsa on Saturday, participants must sign a waiver that they will not sue the President’s campaign if they are contracting the virus, which is at risk of meeting Trump’s people – rally interventionists and people in society – more.

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About the Author: Abbott Hopkins

Analyst. Amateur problem solver. Wannabe internet expert. Coffee geek. Tv guru. Award-winning communicator. Food nerd.

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