Trump will start donating face to face as it continues the campaign

President Donald Trump will personally continue fundraising events this month – hosting two big dollar events as he takes action to restart a campaign season paused by the coronavirus pandemic.

On June 11, Trump will organize a fundraising at a private house in Dallas, Texas before flying to Bedminster at the New Jersey golf club for the June 13 event.

The entry fee to the Dallas fundraising process will cost $ 580,600 per couple, while the New Jersey event will cost each participant $ 250,000. All proceeds will go to Trump Victory, the Republican National Committee and government parties, the joint fundraising committee of the Trump re-election campaign.

A third event was reported in the work done for the July 4th weekend in Florida, According to Bloomberg.

A campaign official told The Post that about 25 people each of the two confirmed events were expected to attend, and event coordinators took extensive security measures to ensure that social distances were observed.

Participants will be evaluated by the White House health unit and the Secret Service. On the day of the event, they will be asked to test negative for the virus, also complete a health questionnaire and pass a temperature test.

President’s rival, hypothetical Democratic candidate Joe Biden, announced that he personally delayed fundraising events “indefinitely” as he began to force pandemic Americans into self-quarantine.

Since then, the former vice president has hosted virtual fundraising for donors using methods such as conference calls and video events.

Biden argued that, despite throwing a wrench in typical general election plans, he continued to lock in the middle of the pandemic.

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Last week, the presidential candidate returned to his Trump and GOP allies after mocking for weeks to comply with social withdrawal rules and remain locked in the Delaware house.

“All these things about Biden’s hidin”, you know, the truth of the work has been working fine so far, he is following the rules, “he told CNN last Tuesday.

“He’s been behind in almost every state,” he continued, noticing that the numbers could vary between now and the November elections.

Biden was recently referring to climbing survey numbers that showed him before Trump in both national and major swing situations.

After making these comments, the 77-year-old Democrat took part in the last three publics and evaluated the damage and spoke to voters in Wilmware, after a protest and rebellion night in response to the murder of George Floyd.

A Biden campaign spokesman did not immediately respond to Post’s request for comment on face-to-face fundraising plans.

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About the Author: Abbott Hopkins

Analyst. Amateur problem solver. Wannabe internet expert. Coffee geek. Tv guru. Award-winning communicator. Food nerd.

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