The Sixth Science, Episode 82: Preventing Myopia

This is another pandemic, this time not because of the virus but for our way of life. This is related to the prevalence of myopia, which has doubled in 50 years. In 1970 20% of the population was myopic, today 40%.

Increase in myopia due to our lifestyle

For its 82nd episode, the sixth science, Ie-science podcast science and the future And 20 minutes, Explains to you the reasons for this growth and above all details three lines of research aimed at halting its development today: new so-called breaking glasses for children, daily drops of eye drops or even That lenses to wear at night, such are the three strategies outlined in the microphone by the head of the health section, Sylvie Rio-Milliet science and the future for romaine gouloumes 20 minutes,

The reasons for the increase in myopia are actually due to our lifestyle, spending less time indoors and outdoors, less demand for farsightedness and conversely extreme myopia, not to mention lack of exposure to natural light, a factor that stimulates Synthesizes dopamine, a neuromediator that slows down the length of the eye. However, myopia is caused by precisely one eye that is too long, responsible for producing the image in front of the retina, is blurred, and not clear.

5 to 10% have severe myopia

All are under research, braking strategies are being studied and all are under testing. But we must not forget the screening done in childhood and before the age of three years. Because while most myopia is affected by mild or moderate myopia that often stabilizes around the age of 25, others, 5 to 10% are affected by severe myopia, a real disease that develops throughout life and has early complications. (retinal detachment, glaucoma). cataracts, etc.).

This is why by 2023 the Rothschild Foundation (Paris) will have a national research institute devoted entirely to pathological myopia. In the meantime, you have . It’s time to read the full article in the latest issue of science and future research Date May 2022 On sale from the end of April, to immerse yourself in the archives of Sixth Science and to subscribe for free on Apple Podcasts.

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