The sequel to Hockey Adventures and Xbox Series X news. Marvel Avengers release on February 16!

Despite a very slow start and mixed reception of the players, Marvel’s Avengers His journey and his story of the adventures of the most famous superhero team of recent decades continues. after a First additional content launched on 8 December (Originally planned for the month of October) withOperation “Kate Bishop battling with AIM”, Crystal dynamics The second part is about to be unveiled The story around two super archers During a blow table set for 16 February. We will enjoy participating in the events thenOperation “Hawkeye – Unfinished Future” During which Clint Barton must escape from AIM and try to find his teammates. For the first part, time travel should once again hold a prominent place in the plot. Also, to illustrate this new material along the way, the studio unveiled a new image, on which we can see not only Falcon and the organization’s soldiers, but Marvel fans such as Maestro, an enemy, longtime A character familiar to the Hulk player. , With which he bears some resemblance. Crystal dynamics Specifies that this will be a pre-recorded program and not a live broadcast.

During this one, we will also be entitled New information about next-gen versions of the game, Originally the Xbox Series X. It was planned to start last November with the launch of S and PlayStation 5, but the studio preferred to postpone focusing on the many bugs that plagued its games and which seriously affected the player’s experience . This kind of free content is added to the game, square Enix Hope for a bad start. Indeed, as a reminder, in November, it still had not rebounded on its development costs.

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About the Author: Tad Fisher

Prone to fits of apathy. Music specialist. Extreme food enthusiast. Amateur problem solver.

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