The port for STADIA suffers from bugs and there are no developers to fix them after layoffs

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STADIA causes problems for Google, as the streaming service is the protagonist of a new controversy. Users have reported issues with Journey to the Savage Planet, an indie that suffers from bugs on the platform.

The game is managed by Typhoon Studios, which was acquired by the company in 2019 to develop several games for STADIA. However, as you already know, the company decided to stop creating titles for its service and discontinue its studies.

Typhoon Studios has been affected by this situation, but Journey to the Savage Planet is still available on STADIA. The problem is that there is no developer who can fix port bugs for the Google service.

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Savage Planet’s Journey STADIA has unresolved issues

Players are reporting the STADIA version of the Journey of Savage Planet, along with bugs, crashes, and other issues. As it is a streaming service, players cannot set the title to try and fix some issues.

For this reason, a user contacted STADIA and the distributor of the game, in charge of 505 games. Service officials said they would seek a solution with the said study; However, 505 games showed that there is nothing like this at the moment.

The 505 game support staff said, “Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do at this time, because all game codes and data in STADIA are owned by Google.”

Subsequently, the company said that Google is in charge of everything related to sports distribution in STADIA. So there is no developer who can fix the game and it looks like it will remain in its current state for some time.

This situation came to light when Google stopped its studies and fired employees who had not received any other position in the company. As of this writing, it is unclear what will happen to Savage planet and its worms to travel in service.

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In this link you will find more information about Google’s streaming service and its titles.

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About the Author: Tad Fisher

Prone to fits of apathy. Music specialist. Extreme food enthusiast. Amateur problem solver.

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