first exhibition title every moment, Wants to provoke a reflection on human life and the passage of time. Visitors will pass through five rooms, each representing a stage in human existence.
The first exhibition inspires us to reflect on the precious and important moments of our lives. […] We will go through different moments of our life, from birth to childhood, then adolescence, till adulthood and till the age of enlightenment.
, explains Olivier Goulet, the gallery’s designer and producer of the exhibition.
many upcoming exhibitions
This exhibition will not be the only one. The infrastructure will exist for at least five years and will host a new exhibition every six months.
I can’t reveal all the details […] But we plan to train you to the bottom of the ocean, take you inside the human brain or take you to a story book
, lists Mary Anne Moser, CEO of the Telus Spark Science Center.
The goal is also to make science accessible to as many people as possible. The exhibitions, though they deal with scientific subjects, will also try to stir the emotions of the visitors.
You can expect to move, open your mind, discover things you didn’t know before.
Supports Mary Anne Moser
This immersive gallery is a balm for the Tellus Spark Science Center, which has been closed for several months due to the pandemic. Mary Anne Moser is also pleased that the infrastructure limits connectivity, which makes it safer in terms of health.
exhibition every moment To be submitted by 30 January 2022.
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