SWAT team members resign from the unit due to security concerns

Ten members of the SWAT team of a South Florida police department resigned, stating security concerns and local authorities’ ‘belittling’ for the unit.

Eight officers and two sergeants resigned from the team but did not resign from the Hallandale Beach Police Department.

Police Chief Sonia Quinones received a note from the SWAT team on Friday morning, City Manager Greg Chavarria thanked the officers for their services, but objected to some of their accounts.

Officers said the officer provided to the Associated Press by city officials was “minimally equipped” and “disrespectful” by city officials who refused to address equipment and education concerns.

“The risk of fulfilling our duties in this capacity is no longer acceptable for us and our families,” the officers wrote in a note dated June 9. Combined with the current situation of the team and the last few local events in today’s political climate, we leave us in an untenable position. “

The officers also called on the command staff to protest the protesters and other officials to reopen the Howard Bowe case.

“This lack of support from the Command Staff is injured to the agency, rank and file,” the officer said.

A 34-year-old black man, Bowe made a search warrant and raided his house in 2014 by the SWAT team of Hallandale Beach. The officers wrote that the investigators never found any misconduct by officers dealing with Bowe’s death. The case later resulted in a $ 425,000 deal between Bowe’s family and the city.

Chavarria’s statement said that the officers’ grade incorrectly supported Quinones by kneeling an elected official. The city manager said that the chief is “kneeling against racism, hatred and intolerance”.

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The chief of the police called for talks with the SWAT team members who resigned on Monday afternoon, among them the newly elected president of the International Police Association. The city manager’s statement guaranteed to the public that Hallandale Beach would fall under SWAT through regional mutual aid arrangements.

Protests at Hallandale Beach took place across the country while demonstrations against police violence and George Floyd’s death continued. Floyd, a handcuffed black man, died in Minneapolis when an officer kneel pressed Floyd’s neck for a few minutes, ignoring Floyd’s breathless screams.

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About the Author: Abbott Hopkins

Analyst. Amateur problem solver. Wannabe internet expert. Coffee geek. Tv guru. Award-winning communicator. Food nerd.

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