Studiocanal serves the distribution of the Prokino catalog

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Studiocanal serves the distribution of the Prokino catalog

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Prokino Filmverlih is one of the most successful independent in Germany for 40 years. In early 2019, Studiocanal took over cinema sales for the company’s entire portfolio. Two years later, the partnership continues in the home theater sector. Starting this year, Studiocanal is evaluating more than 100 ProKino catalog titles under the Arthaus label on physical data carriers, in the digital arena for television. These are films from 2019 or earlier. In the future, the ProCono portfolio will also be available on the studio channels’ prime video channel ARTHAUS +.


38 new editions will be available in stores on Blu-ray from 1 April 2021, including cult films and classics, such as the eight-Oscar winner “Slumdog Millionaire“(Great Britain 2008),”Amelie’s Wonderful World“(France, Germany 2001),”before midnight“(USA 2013) by Richard Linkletter or Woody Allen’s Thriller”Equal numberWith Scarlett Johansson “(Great Britain, Ireland, United States, Luxembourg, France 2005). On request, Studiocanal could not tell us anything about other titles at a later date. (Sw.)

On Blu-ray Disc from April 1, 2021:

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