South Korean merger resigns as Korean tension rises

SEOUL, South Korea – South Korean President Moon Jae-in accepted the resignation of the spot man in North Korea, who was asked to resign after the North destroyed a liaison office while increasing pressure against Seoul amid nuclear negotiations with Trump on Friday. Administration.

With talks between Moon’s Trump administration and Pyongyang beginning to dissolve, Kim Yeon-chul, who was appointed merger minister last April, left the job without having a single meeting with North Koreans. He said he wanted to resign in order to take responsibility for tensions between competitors.

In recent months, the North has almost cut off all co-operation with the South, while voicing Seoul’s reluctance to leave Allied Washington and withdraw its US-led sanctions on the nuclear weapons program to restart its Korean economic projects.

Kim used explosives to destroy the building in the border town of Kaesong, offering to resign after North Korea with a demonstration for TV on Tuesday. Kuzey also said that it would cut all government and military communication channels and abandon an important military agreement reached in 2018 to reduce traditional threats and increase the risk of collisions by land and sea border regions.

It is not immediately clear who Moon is thinking of replacing Kim. Despite the deterioration in the role of the mediation in the nuclear negotiations between Washington and Pyongyang, there are calls that the Moon should overhaul its foreign policy and national security personnel.

The Moon government was credited for coordinating a diplomatic alliance with North Korea to neutralize nuclear cold, between North Korean leaders Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump to help set up the first meeting in Singapore in June. . 2018.

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However, there are criticisms that South Korean officials are very optimistic about the signs they see from Pyongyang and that they face reliability issues when it is understood that Kim is not intended to voluntarily address nuclear weapons, which she probably sees as the most powerful guarantee of survival.

While taking provocative steps to the South this month, the North also released vitriol against defector-activists who have blown anti-Pyongyang leaflets for years, condemning Kim’s nuclear ambitions and human rights record.

Sensitive to any criticism of its leadership, the North has mobilized major demonstrations that condemned the flaws that the state media have identified as “human scum” in recent weeks. The army also announced plans to support North Korean civilians flying anti-South Korean propaganda leaflets in areas close to the land and sea border.

Desperate to prevent tensions from getting out of control, Güney has vowed to stop the activists and threatened with press charges against two North Korean-born brothers who have been leaving the brochure for years and running campaigns shifting rice-filled bottles to the North.

However, both Park Sang-hak and Park Jong-oh promised to continue their campaigns despite the warnings and accused Seoul of suffering North Korean threats.

“The (South Korean) government will be in close co-operation with the police and local authorities to strengthen on-site intervention and security,” Union Ministry spokesman Cho Hye-sil said on Friday to prevent border campaigns.

Although Seoul sometimes sent police officers to prevent protesters from making leaflets at sensitive times, it had previously resisted calls from North Korea to ban them altogether, saying they used freedom of speech.

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Experts say that the North could use the activities of the defectors as an excuse to build pressure on the South, while trying to build internal unity and divert public attention from diplomatic failures and a gloomy economy that probably worsened under the COVID-19 outbreak.

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About the Author: Abbott Hopkins

Analyst. Amateur problem solver. Wannabe internet expert. Coffee geek. Tv guru. Award-winning communicator. Food nerd.

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