Seattle PD prevented using tear gas on protesters: judge

A federal judge temporarily banned Seattle police from using tear gas, tear gas and flash-bang devices against peaceful protesters in the city.

The decision of the US District Judge Richard Jones comes from President Trump as a pressure to confront the city and the state and to disband the Capitol Hill Autonomous Region.

Six blocks of open-air protest areas, known as the “CHAZ”, formed by the Mayor on Monday night, ordered the police to leave their area in the Capitol Hill district in the days after the unrest.

The area bordered by temporary roadblocks and signs saying “You are leaving the US now.”

For four days, a festive atmosphere prevailed, protesters dance, talk, give free snacks and movies at night because they demand the removal of the city’s police force. Minneapolis.

However, Trump called the protesters “indigenous terrorists” and Gov. He called on Jay Inslee and Mayor Jenny Durkan to distribute the demonstrations.

Judge Jones faced a group of Black Lives Matter suing the Seattle Police Department this week.

Jones said the plaintiffs’ weapons, such as tear gas and tear gas, are unconstitutional because they cannot target “any single agitator or criminal”.

Washington ACLU General Manager Michele Storms praised the judge’s decision.

“The city should allow freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and address the police accountability and excessive use of force,” Storms said in a statement.

Last weekend, Seattle officers used tear gas, tear gas, and other powers against the crowd of protesters who were condemning the left. Jones’ order prohibits these measures for two weeks.

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Both Durkan and Police Chief Carmen Best apologized to residents who were shot with chemical weapons during peaceful protests.

Durkan visited CHAZ on Friday and pushed Trump against calling the show an “anarchist takeover.”

“Seattle is good. Don’t be too afraid of democracy, ”Durkan tweeted.

“As long as I can remember, Capitol Hill has been autonomous – a place where people can express themselves freely,” Durkan said in a follow-up tweet.

However, Best accused some protesters of violently attacking the police and accused them of leaving the autonomous area and area to prevent police response times.

In a statement Friday, the ministry hopes to regain control of the police station “as soon as possible”.

“People are looking for a plan, but we want to make sure we change everything we do,” Best said.

“We don’t want to intensify, intensify, or provoke problems that will harm officers or standing people.”

With Pole Wires

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About the Author: Abbott Hopkins

Analyst. Amateur problem solver. Wannabe internet expert. Coffee geek. Tv guru. Award-winning communicator. Food nerd.

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