Sanchez’s aides in Sahrawi refugee camps

Sanchez associates in Sahrawi refugee camps – Western Sahara, Morocco, Spain, Pegasus, Espionage, Pedro Sanchez,

A month after a historic change in his position on the issue of Western Sahara, Spain’s prime minister continued to count the setbacks, including his own government coalition, which, like a boat carrying water from everywhere, risked cracks and breaks. is any moment.

There is a sign that this decision has been rejected not only by parliament but also by various sectors of Spanish society and people: a delegation made up of Spanish representatives, mayors and councilors will visit the Sahrawi refugee camps in Tindouf next week to discuss the creation of 49 anniversary can be celebrated. Polisario Front liberation movement and beginning of armed struggle.

European and Latin American politicians among guests

This delegation of 147 people, including the third Vice-President of the Congress, Gloria Elijo (Podemos) and the Juntas per Catalunya deputy Pilar Calvo, or Together for Catalonia, a Catalan independence political coalition, included several Spanish mayors and councillors, but also of European and Latin American politicians, Spanish media reported. The visit, which will take place from 19 to 23 May, is organized by a delegation of the Polisario Front, the liberation movement of the Saharawi people in Spain. The festivities will take place in Boujdaur, one of the five villas in the Sahrawi refugee camps.

Participants come from Latin American and European countries, although most are Spanish, noted Spanish media which report that invitations have been sent to almost all formations, including Podemos, which will send its representative, Gloria Elizo, deputy and third vice president of Podemos. Congress. Podemos, which is part of the government in coalition with the PSOE, has particularly criticized Morocco’s decision to support the proposed autonomy plan for the Sahara, submitted to the United Nations since 2007 without much success.

MP Pilar Calvo, from Jants per Catalunya, will also travel to Tindouf in southwestern Algeria.

no PSOE representative

However, there is no representative of PSOE (Sanchez’s party) in the list managed by the Saharawi delegation to visit Tindouf. However in late April, civil society movements supporting the Sahrawi movement have already invited the president of the government to visit the camps. “We want Sanchez to listen to those who have been protesting for 46 years, although he may also go to the occupied territories,” said Carmelo Ramírez, president of the Federation of Institutions in Solidarity with Western Sahara.

The Polisario Front suspended its ties with Sánchez’s government last March due to its relocation to Western Sahara, when Pedro Sánchez acknowledged in a letter to King Mohammed VI that his proposal was “the best way to reach a resolution to the conflict.” has serious and realistic grounds. With this declaration, the Spanish Prime Minister renounced his country’s traditional position in relation to his former colony from 1885 to 1975. The Polisario Front was established on 10 May 1973 with the aim of achieving the independence of Western Sahara was done from

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Algeria today, May 15, 2022

Read also: Morocco-Spain: Sanchez in Rabato’s pocket

Read also: The spying of Sanchez: The Guardian’s Corner Morocco

Also read: Sanchez’s wife waits in Morocco

#Western Sahara #Spain #Morocco #Pedrosanchez #Pegasus #Spy

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