As of 2020, admission to the Sci-PO Paris was only through a very selective competition, which could have been intimidating and did not encourage students to apply (Paris Grande Ecole in the Human and Social Sciences: Law, economics, history, sociology and political science). However, from 2021 onwards the competition has been canceled and registrations are done through Parcoursup only.
Accessible App by Parcoursup
Result: Number of applications doubled! Before improving 7,583 wishes were validated in 2020 then 15,284 in 2021 and 11,951 in 2022 (ie +59% compared to 2020). At the end of the phase of admission of desires in the Parcoursup that ended on April 8, Science Po was pleased with the charm of his institution. “Graduation alone (normal route and CEP route) registered 9,227 applications (6,687 in 2020 and 12,735 in 2021) for admission to University College. The eleven dual degrees accessible through Parcoursup attract 2,724 applications (896 in 2020, 2,572 in 2021).
Validated via Parcoursup – April 2022
More application is also a positive point for the social openness of the school and the geographical opening of the Sciences Po: candidates for the Bachelor of Sciences PO are in all regions of France, with 30 academies represented. The rate of secondary school scholarship holders among applicants remains 14% (12% in 2021).
Offered between 1,100 and 1,200 places: Big disappointment upon arrival
Each file will be evaluated by two pre-trained independent examiners. “Last year we were a little surprised by the number of applications, so we took these elements into account, recruiting more people for the administrative part. We have plans for 800 examiners for this year,” said Mathias Vicharat, director of Sciences PO. told AFP. The selection process consists of 4 marks out of 20: school records, results obtained in graduation, personal writing and finally oral (if the file is sufficient).
Candidates whose file has obtained marks out of 60 equal to or more than the score defined by the Admissions Jury will be invited to attend an oral presentation by videoconferencing. The interviews for undergraduate and dual degree graduates will take place from April 28 to June 1, 2022, except the week of May 9 to May 13, 2022, during which there will be a special written test for general and technical graduates.
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