promotion and a new prevention mission

He doesn’t even have to cross the road. Brigitte Bourguignon changing jobs, but no workplace, rue de Segur. By acquiring the portfolio of health and prevention, the minister is attributed to Olivier Veran, who was the ministerial representative for autonomy in Jean Castex’s government.

→ Portrait. Olivier Veran, from health to parliament relations

two crises and one failure

In Autonomy, its balance sheet was marked by two crises (the management of Covid in nursing homes and the Orpia scandal) as well as one failure: the abandonment, in September 2021, of the old age law, a project that was close to its heart. Should we understand through his appointment that the topic of addiction may come to the fore again?

→ analysis. Affordable government: not a “complete renewal”, but a “new method”?

The former medical secretary and socialist deputy from the north knows the matter in any case, while being one of the ministers is likely to bring the new government the Left Guarantee. “Social progress and humanistic values ​​have always been the compass of my action in the field”, Brigitte Bourguignon wrote on Twitter three days before her appointment.

big projects pending

Among the files that will be on the new minister’s table are, among others, inequalities in access to public hospital reform or care. The one who, as deputy, had co-filed in 2017, a bill on “right to die with dignity” The candidate will also be responsible for organizing the citizens’ conference on the end of life announced by Macron during the presentation of his project last March.

Minister of Health, but also Prevention, as stated in the new title of her work, Brigitte Bourguignon should adopt the preventive approach given by Emmanuel Macron in her program, especially with the introduction of plans related to mental health or infertility. . But it must also prevent a possible resumption of Covid in the fall, or potentially new pandemic risks.

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