The characteristics of the last of Valois, the King of Poland and the King of France have been identified as miniature.
Long, curly and curly hair, wearing a velvet hat, with a giant strawberry that encircles the neck … Who owns this eccentric and proud face is currently exhibiting at the Philip Mold Gallery in London The Definitely one to do cute. It was from engraving this painting, a Renaissance miniature painting jewel that a curator, after being acquired at the auction house last summer, was able to read a year behind Vellum and on a signature. 1578 and of Decourt.
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The relationship was quickly formed with Jean Decourt, the successor of François Claude, in charge of the portrait painter of the Court of France. An eminent artist, but of whom there was no signed portrait until then. However, Décourt was also the official artist of Mary Iagain from Scotland. For example, he is depicted in the archives on Elizabeth I and her favorite, the first Earl of Leicester, on a trip to England.
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