With wine in hand, the British Prime Minister toasts a group of people. On the table, we can clearly see glasses, food and wine bottles. These photos, unveiled by British TV channel ITV on Monday, may have been taken during a farewell party for communications chief Lee Can on November 13, 2020, while the United Kingdom was experiencing its second imprisonment. The parties were then strictly prohibited.
These photos have once again put Boris Johnson to shame, while he has been embroiled in the “Partygate” scandal for several months. Above all, they could prove that the Prime Minister had knowingly lied to the British Parliament. When asked about the November rally in Parliament in December 2020, Boris Johnson actually assured that there was no party on this date and was sure that the rules had not been broken.
He was fined but not punished for parting by police for attending a surprise birthday party for his 56th birthday in Downing Street, which has revived criticism.
Labor Party deputy leader Angela Renner did justice.Amazing“that the Conservative leader didn’t get fined for this gathering”that didn’t particularly look like work”, she told ITV.
These photos have come at the worst of times for Boris Johnson. In a few days, senior civil servant Sue Gray will give her full report in full confinement on the parties held at 10 Downing Street. Then a parliamentary inquiry will begin, aimed at determining whether Boris Johnson deliberately defrauded lawmakers in the matter, repeatedly telling the House of Commons that all rules have been respected.