Papillomavirus, flu … Public Health France is resuming a vaccination campaign in Martinique – All the news about Martinique on the Internet

If there has been much talk about vaccines against COVID-19 in recent months, there are many other vaccines recommended by Public Health France. Here are the key figures in Martinique, on the occasion of European Vaccination Week.

From 25 April to 1 May, on the occasion of European Immunization Week, Saint Public France is running a massive vaccination campaign. This time the question is not about promoting vaccination against Kovid-19, but against other diseases. Vaccines against human papillomavirus (HPV) or as recently as a year ago were mandated and acting against meningococci is particularly recommended.

Sainte Publique France provides the latest figures showing a very slow-paced development, particularly with regard to HPV vaccination coverage. In Martinique, only 17% of 15-year-old girls born in 2006 have been vaccinated. However, this figure is 2.7 percent higher than last year. In France, only one in two young girls has a full vaccination program. The situation in the West Indies is “even more alarming”, according to Sainte Publique France, which notes that only one in six girls in Martinique has a full immunization programme. In Guadeloupe, 25% of young girls are fully vaccinated against HPV.

Progress status of vaccination against papillomavirus (HPV) in Martinique and Guadeloupe.

– Public Health France

Vaccination open to boys aged 11 to 14

As a reminder, vaccination against papillomavirus was recently opened up to boys. If the vaccine was intended for young girls only before January 1, 2021, today boys between the ages of 11 and 14 can claim it. The latter are not actually cancer survivors associated with this virus, as about a third of the 6,300 new cancer cases are men.

In addition, Public Health France has observed a decrease in vaccination against influenza in Martinique (-3.2%) between 2019 and 2020. On the other hand, against meningococcal disease, which is inevitable for infants, progress has been made. In Martinique 74.1% (+10.7%) received a single dose of vaccine and 84.1% (+8%) received their booster dose.

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