Overwatch celebrates six years with Anniversary Remix Volume Two

Whereasoverwatch 2 Currently in beta stage, Blizzard continues its successful first installment. Actually, overwatch The celebration kicks off with an all-new limited-time event, as part of its sixth anniversary. From 17 May to 7 June 2022.

Skins remixed for the occasion

Throughout the festive period, players can replay their favorite game modes from past seasonal events, such as Winter Wonderland, Archives, The Year of the Tiger, Summer Games, or even a terrifying Halloween .

but not only that, because Six heroes will be given one of their old skins Which received a small change to be remixed for the occasion. Thus, Symmetra, Chopper, Lucio, Sombra, Hanzo and Ana will add color to the event with their new cosmetics available in chests or in exchange for coins.

And finally, those who complete the weekly challenges will receive each week new cosmetics, In fact, in the first week it will be possible to unlock the famous Angel Dr Ziegler model by playing 27 games, the second week will be the epic model Ash Mardi Gras for the same purpose, and for the third and final week Sigma will honor us with its famous maestro model. .

As a reminder, the incident overwatch Remix Anniversary Vol 2 is Available from May 17 to June 7, 2022 on all platforms.

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