Only one in 3 French people think they can return to a normal life in 2021 (poll)

With the continuing health crisis and restrictive measures to limit the spread of Kovid-19, many French people believe that they will not soon have a normal life.

According to an Elabay poll for BFMTV, only 1 in 3 French people (31%) think they will have a normal life in 2021, while 30% expect an improvement in 2022 and only 17% think they The virus may return to its former post-2022 virus. Life still, one in 5 French people (22%) think they will never return to their normal pre-crisis life.

The survey also shows that in this period of uncertainty, the majority of French people are unable or have difficulty planning for the future. Thus, 43% believed that their lives were greatly disrupted by the epidemic, but they still try to make plans for the future; 39 PCs admit to living day to day, the future is still uncertain and only 17% of them manage to move forward and take projects “as if nothing had happened”.

Recognizing that Kovid-19 has reversed their social habits, 52% of French people said they regret the time they could go to lunch or dinner in a restaurant and 30% of 18-24 year olds. The children wanted to be able to. Party in the evening.

35% of them want to share moments with friends again and 31% speak of the difficulties they are no longer able to embrace to the people they love: especially those 65 and over ( 51%). 41% of French people also say they want to go on vacation.

In addition, and faced with restrictive measures imposed by health status, the majority of people surveyed expressed their willingness to and willingness to relax the rules for economic, psychological and social reasons.

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Thus, 7 out of 10 French people are in favor of reopening museums (74%), restaurants (72%), cinema and theaters (71%). More than one in two also calls for the return of the sports hall.

SL (with MAP)

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About the Author: Hanley Mallin

Internet geek. Wannabe bacon enthusiast. Web trailblazer. Music maven. Entrepreneur. Pop culture fan.

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