The strategy adopted by Morocco in the context of migration is part of the natural symbiosis between King Mohammed VI’s vision and the international agenda on migration, said the Kingdom’s Ambassador Permanent Representative on Friday, May 20, 2022 in New York. United Nations, Omar Hille.
1. speaking at the plenary session ofer The International Migration Review Forum (IMRF), Omar Hilalé, stressed that Morocco’s action is “neither circumstantial nor opportunistic. It embodies a natural symbiosis between theories and conjectures”.
“A symbiosis between His Majesty King Mohammed VI’s vision and the combination of humanism and national strategy for immigration and asylum and the international agenda on migration based on common values declined,” he said. – He explained during this forum a review of the implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, adopted in Marrakech in 2018.
The ambassador also highlighted on the migration issue within the African Union the “convergence of the Marrakesh Treaty with the African migration agenda, the promotion of which Morocco works tirelessly under the leadership of His Majesty the King”, noting that the Compact on Migration of Promises and African agendas are complementary.
“Since then, a coherent pattern emerged around a vision and a conviction”, he observed in this regard, citing an excerpt from a speech by King Mohammed VI, in which the sovereign underlined: “It is for us, this strong It is a question of reconciling national, regional and global commitment, and getting as close as possible to the objective of adapting and moderating migration rather than combating it.
In this context, Omar Hilale pointed out that Moroccan commitments in terms of migration are part of this effort. “They respond to national needs with international repercussions. They are realistic, ambitious and multi-party, in the sense that they are pan-social and pan-government,” he argued.
Announcing that migration will be taken into account for the first time in the national census to be held in 2024, the Moroccan diplomat also indicated that a module on international migration would be integrated into the permanent national survey on employment.
“We will ensure a permanent integration of the human rights dimension into policies related to migration”, he further indicated that Morocco will implement programs addressing the impact of climate with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and other UN agencies. Change on migration and inclusion.
He also expressed Morocco’s willingness to provide training on migration in all these manifestations to Arab and African French-speaking countries.
Omar Hilale also noted that Morocco requests a cross-cutting approach to the migration issue, pointing out that seeing-through Africa, formed by the African Migration Observatory in Rabat, Morocco, requires knowledge of facts.
“Through the 5+5 configuration at the Mediterranean level, the Kingdom has supported the adoption of a clear roadmap for better governance,” he said, adding that the Kingdom has chosen through the organization of 1.D Conference of the Regional Review of Treaties in the Arab Region, for a coordinated and cohesive approach in a space depressurized by human movements.
He also stressed the need to “normalize the migrant phenomenon and follow the spirit and letter of the Marrakesh Treaty to those who act with responsibility and humanity”.
“For those who strive for ambition and the experience of appropriation, the obligation is to strengthen their commitments qualitatively and quantitatively. Because, until the implementation of the treaty is generalised, the path that emerges is , he cannot be fully traced”, the ambassador estimates, reaffirming that respect for the human rights of the migrant, independent of his status, “constitutes our compass in “normal action”.
1. call ofer International Migration Review Forum, Omar Hilale, said that the conclave is synonymous with a multilateral commitment, the fruit of a gradual contribution based on consultation, sharing and action. For this, he recalled the relevance of the UN Secretary-General’s report on the implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty, which stressed the imperative of responsible and cohesive management of the migration issue.
He also specified that the organization of regional meetings would make it possible to link adaptation and appropriation by giving the treaty a stronger regional dimension, noting that a movement is in the works by adopting the Rabat Declaration of countries championing migration.
“Both a stage point and a new beginning, 1D The IMRF’s version represents above all an opportunity to measure the implementation of the Marrakech Treaty, which is the thread of our common action of Ariadne”, he said, noting that if collective commitment is necessary, then the individual responsibility of the states is equally important. “Taken face to face by my country, then in an embryonic stage, the treaty must be continuously irrigated and strengthened,” concluded the ambassador.
1er The International Migration Review Forum, which brings together member states, observers, representatives of the United Nations system as well as stakeholder groups, reviewed progress made at local, national, regional and global levels in implementing the Marrakech Treaty and improving security. Addressed new concrete actions for. Support more than 281 million migrants worldwide through changes in policies and practices.
The event culminated in the adoption of an Intergovernmental Negotiating Statement in Progress.
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