This week, Sony has released a support page with answers to some of the outstanding questions we have about compatibility with the PlayStation 5 and back. After the first reading I spread a line, but now that I have come back and spread the whole, I realized: PT is safe for another generation.
The line in question confirms that you can transfer data from digital games and data storage from a PlayStation 4 to PS5 via WiFi. You can access PS4 games on the PS5 directly from the PS5 expanded storage drive.
I guess that’s what will happen but it’s still great to see it in writing. And that made me think: it means I can move the PT, “playable teaser” to Hideo Kozima and a collaborator on the canceled Silent Hills project from my base PS4, where it sat under the lock and key whenever it was listed from. PlayStation Store, on a PS5 when I finish getting one. And given that PT is not on Sony’s list of 10 PS4 games that won’t work on the PS5, I assume I’ll be able to play it on the next gen console as well.
On Wednesday, April 29, 2015, five years ago, PT was pulled between the horrific departure from Kozima Konami and the cancellation of Silent Hill from the PortTestation Network. Although it has previously downloaded the game, it is no longer available for re-download, which is why PT-installed PS4s have cost a premium on eBay and why there are eye-catching fan remakes.
My base PS4 is not long for this world, I fear. It also sounds like an airport runway while running Netflix, and whenever I press the PlayStation button to switch on the dashboard, it rises from a comfortable chair like a grandfather. I’m afraid for PT, it’s the most valuable of the horror games. I have considered backing up an external drive to keep it safe but the truth is, dear reader, I have an unreasonable fear of losing my PT in the process. These kinds of things happen to me.
My plan now is to transfer PT5 to PS5 when I make the inevitable switch and I am quite happy with that plan. There I imagined it would rest for another seven years, more or less, for another console generation until the PlayStation 6 arrives, and I do it again. And after PlayStation 6? Okay, by then I think I’ll be able to transfer the PT directly to my brain and play it in my mind’s eye.
Try selling it on eBay.
Prone to fits of apathy. Music specialist. Extreme food enthusiast. Amateur problem solver.