Nuclear: talks in Vienna in “serious” stage according to Iran

Iranian diplomacy chief Hussein Amir-Abdullahian said on Wednesday that talks in Vienna to revive the Iranian nuclear deal have reached a “critical” stage and that some “important” issues remain to be resolved.

“The talks are at an important and crucial stage,” Iran’s foreign minister said after meeting with his Omani counterpart Badr al-Busaydi.

Amir-Abdullahian said, “We hope that in the days to come, the Western side will realistically resolve some sensitive and important issues.”

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Calling himself “optimistic”, Mr Abdullahiyan, however, stressed the fact that Iran was not going to leave its “red lines” in the talks without further details.

Coburg Palace, the venue of the relaunch talks of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in Vienna on November 29, 2021. (Vladimir Simik/AFP)

In Vienna, discussions aimed to salvage a 2015 agreement to prevent Tehran from receiving nuclear bombs, an intention that the Islamic Republic has always denied. The deal, signed between Iran, the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (the United States, China, France, the United Kingdom and Russia), and Germany, called for the lifting of international economic sanctions against Tehran in exchange for stricter limits on its nuclear program. was permitted. ,

The United States withdrew from the agreement in 2018 under President Donald Trump, who deemed it inadequate, and reinstated its sanctions. In response, Tehran has largely freed itself from restrictions on its nuclear activities.

Negotiations are still taking place among the members of the agreement, with indirect participation from the United States, which does not negotiate face-to-face with Iran.

In recent days, the United States, Germany, France and Iran have reported progress in talks. And Iran’s arch foe Israel said on Sunday that the conclusion of the deal would be “imminent”.

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