NJ correction officer may lose his job of reviving George Floyd

NJDOC said, “The DOC officer who participated in the video taunting the killing of George Floyd was offered lifting charges. The officer was put on salary-free status without waiting for a necessary hearing as part of the regular procedure for unionized workers.” .

A source familiar with the situation tells CNN that the officer in question is Joseph DeMarco. He previously said that CNN DeMarco has been working by NJDOC for at least 18 years.

There will be a hearing that will determine its employment, and DeMarco can appeal against any decision. He was last working in Bayside State Prison.

The DeMarco union also said it faced internal charges and was suspended Friday.

PBA 105 Union President brought union charges against DeMarco and was removed from our organization. As the Corrective Police Officer, we do not support members of this association who have done nothing but our duties, “said PBA 105 Union President William Sullivan.

“I hope you take some lessons. You are basically paramilitated as a law enforcement agency and you are on duty 24/7. Your personal views should not be open to the public until retirement, but for 25 years you only represent more than your own opinion,” said Sullivan.

CNN failed to attempt to reach DeMarco.

In a statement published on Twitter earlier this month, FedEx said it fired an employee allegedly seen in the video during the protest.

“FedEx has team members with high standards of personal conduct and we do not tolerate the terrible and aggressive behavior shown in this video. The person is no longer employed by FedEx. We support those who support justice and equality,” I read.

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Videos capture revival

According to the video published on CNN’s social media, the whole event took a minute and 23 seconds.

The video seems to have been shot by the All Lives Matter protest and shows what happened before and after the Black Lives Matter march.

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The images show the revival about 20 seconds after the police cars accompanying the Black Lives Matter march reached the All Lives Matter protesters.

Get other eyewitness videos shot by Black Lives Matter hikers, then what’s happening.

Black Lives Matter march Russell Sampson told CNN, “I felt something was happening because the officers started to move us across the street as we approached that area.”

Ten seconds after the companion police cars roll, the kneeling man starts shouting at them as the walkers approach. “You don’t follow this, that’s what happened,” she shouts, pointing to the person below her protesters. “Look … didn’t fit! Didn’t. If it did, that wouldn’t happen.”

‘Racism is everywhere’

The next day, Daryan Fennal said that he was brought to tears, seeing the animation of CNN, the organizer of the Black Lives Matter protest in Franklinville.

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“I saw mothers trying to cover their children’s eyes,” he told CNN.

“Racism is everywhere, but it was what surprised me to display it in such a horrible and public way.”

A man filming after the protesters pass, begins to interpret Black Lives Matter hikers.

“Blacks don’t matter anyone,” said the video. “All lives are important. All lives are important. The police are alive. God bless the police. God bless the police. You (dumba **) protesters.”

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About the Author: Abbott Hopkins

Analyst. Amateur problem solver. Wannabe internet expert. Coffee geek. Tv guru. Award-winning communicator. Food nerd.

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