The research world and the enterprise world benefit from being in touch with each other, so that new ideas can emerge. “I describe myself as a matchmaker,” shows Mario Leclerc, a professor at the Faculty of Science and Engineering and mentor to young scientific entrepreneurs.
Mario Leclerc was one of the participants in the panel moving from research to business, presented on May 10 at La Centrale on the sidelines of the 89th Acfas Congress: Challenges and Perspectives.
Although he himself does not have an entrepreneurial streak, Professor Leclerc said he loves finding the right partners and giving students the opportunity to build business relationships. Hence the expression “matchmaker”, which was used several times during this panel moderated by Quebec’s main innovator, Luc Sirois.
Mario Leclerc argued that 30 years ago, applying for a patent for an invention made at a university using public funds was considered “unholy” by some. Today, the mindset has evolved and according to him, free research and entrepreneurship “could very well coexist”.
For more details, see Ulwal news article.
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